Capturing Success
The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year.
by Vikki Hidde on 01/23/13O- Have you mastered on-line tools? Hot Jobs, Career Builder, Dice, Monster and local job boards are excellent tools to see who is hiring. Just posting your résumé may not deliver the result of landing your dream position. Building a circle of influence, which takes networking at the next level, may be just the boost your career needs. Keeping in touch with your contacts and managing your contact base may poise a challenge. If you have not gotten into social networking via the web, might I suggest that you spend a few minutes or hours learning about Facebook, LinkedIn and others? But a word of caution might be in order. Companies may get a window into your ethics, work style, character and personality traits by reviewing the pages of your contacts.
The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year
by Vikki Hidde on 01/22/13N- How long has it been since you used the word NO? May I recommend that you use the phrase “tell me more”. If you have the pattern for saying NO to new projects that would stretch your skills set, why not say YES the next time and experience a break-through moment. If you find yourself wanting to say NO, why not say “not at this time” instead. Even better, why not accept the challenge and learn something new about yourself and your ability to step of your comfort zone?
The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year
by Vikki Hidde on 01/18/13M- If there are career mirages in your past or on the horizon, why not identify your career illusions and put them in your past so you can move on to a brighter future? We have so much opportunity with our grasp. Unfortunately, we get caught up in our own daily drama and miss opportunity that is ours for the taking.
The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year
by Vikki Hidde on 01/17/13L- Becoming a content expert is important. Why not take advantage of Lunch and Learn opportunities? Professional organizations offer continuing education opportunity through conferences and monthly meetings. You may want to take advantage of Toastmasters International to sharpen your public speaking skills.
The ABCs of Career Management of the New Year
by Vikki Hidde on 01/16/13K- As you develop your work life and find your passion, what kernel becomes the seed for your career growth? Is it your time management and self-management skills that need to be ratcheted up a notch? Or is it your ability to get organized and efficiently complete tasks? Only you can determine the kernel what will become your seed for success.